Her parents were both religious and affluent, providing their daughter with the best available education.
Good and easily available education, even to higher levels, was considered particularly important for building the new society.
"The upper-class education not available to the children of immigrants."
I was blessed to get an education available to few black women in Africa at that time.
And is going even further, making this vital early education available free to every disadvantaged two year old as well.
Students can begin school when they turn five years old, with free and compulsory primary education available for all children up to age 14.
The quality of education available in these schools is not, by world standards, good.
The student and his parents are free to spend that money on what they determine to be the best education available.
Remember that people were then leaving school at 12 or 14 and there was no secondary education available in the town.
But unfortunately that isn't going to provide them with the best education available.