Ready availability of whole blood and increased use of other blood products also contributed to the low mortality rates.
The greater availability of fast food and junk food in combination with a low activity lifestyle has contributed to the obesity trend.
During this period the invention and availability of the sewing machine contributed to quilt making.
The ready availability of recording devices contributed to the explosion of research into sleep and dreaming during the late 1960s.
The limited availability of new-crop beans has contributed to the rise in prices, he said.
The availability of illegal copies of movies on the Internet also contributes to the piracy problem.
The availability of more power contributed greatly to the aircraft's responsiveness at low speeds.
The accuracy and availability of data can also contribute to inaccuracy.
Ralph Nader has suggested that the increasing availability of jobs that pay a living wage contributes to lower rates in street crime.
They believed that the availability of abortion contributed to the devaluing of motherhood.