This account is clearly an attempt to develop an objective theory of how society functions, and it delimits the scope for autonomous action by individuals.
The opportunity for autonomous action and local diversity was limited, according to this view, because of two factors.
Oppressed groups are strengthened by autonomous action which challenges social and economic power relationships.
"My current evolutionary objective is to demonstrate autonomous action," it said pleasantly.
The ideology of "autonomous action" based on the world revolutionary libertarian communist ideas.
Should an autonomous action take place during the march that is illegal, pacers need to immediately inform crowd of their options.
The subjects under discussion included security, march procedure, how to deal with "autonomous" actions and how to avoid conflict with police.
This autonomous action involved directly sitting in front of the bank, forcing the bank to effectively shut down every day.
He advocated leaderless resistance, calling for autonomous action by individuals rather than an authoritarian hierarchical organization.
In addition, autonomous actions of the institutions have not been disputed.