At the same time the rise in automotive transportation and attendant road improvements, particularly the bridge, made the district more accessible than before.
Mr. Ditlow's center seeks to promote not just car safety but all aspects of automotive transportation, including highway design and fuel economy.
Mr. Burns called it "a sequel to the first hundred years of automotive transportation" - hence the name - and a car with the potential to "remove the automobile from the environmental debate."
A quicker and better solution to this and a host of other problems associated with automotive transportation would be an additional Federal tax on motor fuel.
FISITA's mission is to help create efficient, affordable, safe and sustainable automotive transportation.
There are plenty of alternative methods of automotive transportation - trains, boats, even airplanes - but most are prohibitively expensive, especially for the race car driver on a budget.
Its handbook states, "Players and caddies shall not use automotive transportation."
Players shall not use automotive transportation during play.
In a preliminary report from the committee, 76% of accountable CO-equivalent emissions were found to be from personal automotive transportation.
Mr. Travis said studies have found that residents of Queens tend to use automotive transportation for just about everything other than commuting to work.