The original stone is believed to have been approximately the size of an automobile traveling towards the Earth at more than 10 miles per second.
It is not unusual to be overtaken by other automobiles traveling at high speed, even in crowded urban areas.
The force exerted on the human body during the ejection sequence had been compared to hitting a brick wall in an automobile traveling twenty miles an hour-headfirst-and Annie probably would've doubled that number.
Additionally, violation of traffic rules is common, and it is not unusual to be overtaken by other automobiles traveling at high speeds, even in crowed urban areas.
Competition with a growing population of automobiles and buses traveling on paved highways led to a decline in the interurban and other railroad passenger business.
The lights he saw, and the accompanying throb of a motor, could simply denote a passing car; but the road wasn't used much, and any automobile traveling it would be likely to have brighter lights.
In February 1990, an ambulance taking a patient to the hospital was struck on the bridge by an automobile traveling at about 100 mph, leaving the driver and passenger in the vehicle in critical condition.
Aircraft piloted by the Southern Liaison Patrol often flew low enough to read the license plates on suspicious automobiles traveling in the patrol region.
Drivers of automobiles traveling the entire length of the Suncoast Parkway pay $3.00 US toll.
With the proliferation of the automobile, a pedestrian has to anticipate safety risks of automobiles traveling at high speeds because they can cause serious injuries to a human and can be fatal.