Outside the patio fence he saw the automobile parked at the curb a short distance up the street, and cursed his own myopic planning.
Through his glasses Bolan could see horse stalls, a small corral, an expensive American automobile parked in back, another in front of the chateau.
Within months of "I Fought The Law" becoming a top 10 hit, Fuller was found dead in an automobile parked outside his Hollywood apartment.
There was an indented stretch of pavement off the road where automobiles could park and strollers could enter the various paths that overlooked a scenic ravine.
"I found the defendant's automobile parked there."
Another automobile had parked.
The automobile parked next to his exploded, killing Greene instantly.
I presume you noticed the automobile parked close to the curb behind us?
Several people were slightly wounded, windows were broken and automobiles parked nearby were damaged.
No automobiles parked by the curb.