These methods may be more efficient or desirable than private automobile ownership, being a healthy means of physical exercise.
It was not until automobile ownership surged in the 1950s, after four decades of fast steady growth, that the edge city became truly possible.
Increasing automobile ownership made electric railway travel less convenient through the 1920s.
But he doesn't mention the possibility of moving away from private automobile ownership and toward a public transportation system.
Passenger services were also siphoned off due to the surge in personal automobile ownership.
Dogs are to some extent a product of automobile ownership.
Suburbs began a rapid expansion and automobile ownership increased.
By the 1920s, the town also had a gas station, as automobile ownership and traffic through town had increased.
According to Cascade research has shown that automobile ownership has a positive effect on employment.
The 1950s saw the beginning of white flight and urban sprawl, driven by increasing automobile ownership.