Additionally, road and pipeline construction divide habitat, resulting in greater automobile related fatalities.
CONGRESS has an amazing new scheme to cut crime, automobile fatalities and energy consumption.
One of the earliest recorded automobile fatalities was Mary Ward, on August 31, 1869 in Parsonstown, Ireland.
They said that the kind of public education efforts and licensing requirements that reduced automobile fatalities, the leading cause of teen-agers' deaths, should be applied to guns.
A strong interrelation between marijuana and alcohol may have important implications for reducing automobile fatalities.
In the United States, about 90,000 to 100,000 deaths each year are alcohol-related, including 42 percent of the 30,000 annual automobile fatalities.
August 17 - Bridget Driscoll, early British automobile fatality (b. c. 1852)
He died on July 4, 1906, after being struck by an automobile in Buffalo, New York becoming Buffalo's first automobile related fatality.
That makes it impossible to compile the kind of useful national statistics that have been standard for years for automobile fatalities.
Rollovers account for a staggering 32 percent of automobile fatalities, more than 10,000 annually.