In such high competitive automobile era, platform plays a very vital role for a company because different cars are based on a similar platform.
Railroads in the early automobile era (1921-1945)
Boston, New York and Washington, he said, are traditional cities with central cores formed before the automobile era.
Now it is one of the few streetcars in the USA to have survived the automobile era.
In the early automobile era, the city's fortunes at first declined, and it soon became a haven for Al Capone and other mobsters.
In addition, this view does not make statements on traffic before the automobile era.
What is more, 80 years into the automobile era, everything is built around gasoline, an investment of billions in refineries, tanker trucks and gasoline stations.
Unlike most other such small country settlements, it has survived industrialization and the automobile era with its basic plan, and most of its buildings, relatively intact.
The demise of the streetcar transitioned the area into the automobile era, whereby much of the post-1950s development within the district was designed to accommodate the automobile.
President Franklin D. Roosevelt attended the opening ceremonies, which were followed by an inauspicious heralding of the automobile era.