The vehicle became the first automobile designed and built in South America.
That said, it is still a light and very fast automobile built on a racing chassis.
The members of this small group are not building automobiles but "motor cars," as they call them, striving to give each one a unique look.
And one product above all others powered this transformation: the automobile, built on a moving assembly line.
Some materials have long been used to build automobiles, but some new ones are also gaining ground in the industry.
After only 16,600 of the 1941 models were made, and a few thousand 1942s, Detroit stopped building civilian automobiles to concentrate on defense production.
Opel has been building automobiles since 1899, and became an Aktiengesellschaft in 1929.
Adam Opel never lived to see the automobiles built by the company he founded.
They launched their first automobile, built from many of their company's components, in January 1904.
The Grose was an English automobile built between 1898 and 1901.