Say if each of them just picked a number like 1 or 2 or 3 and stayed with it they would automatically pick a winner.
The HOH and nominees could no longer automatically pick who would participate with them in the veto competition.
It paid off in the multimillion-dollar contract, which No. 1 picks automatically receive through an agreement between the league and the players' association.
The team doesn't automatically pick itself any more.
The character either automatically picks up important objects, or is presented with the option to take the object when he looks at it.
Would you automatically pick the player with the biggest pile of chips?
The driver informs the radio of his tastes (classical, Western, talk, rock), and the tuner automatically picks the six strongest stations in the area.
Something fluttering from the branch of a flowering hawthorn tree caught his eye and he picked at it automatically, bringing it closer towards him.
The doorway of the store room was a gaping target that The Shadow could pick automatically.
In a trunked radio system, the system logic automatically picks the physical radio frequency channel.