The Atlas item automatically mapped dungeons, a marked change from the manual map drawing required in the original game.
NET type interfaces, which automatically map to the first named.
The game automatically maps the areas you explore and records how many movement units the player uses up, saving the best scores to the game disk.
Where that is impossible, lesser degrees of semantic interoperability may be achieved by techniques that automatically map the definitions used by one system to those of another.
In particular it automatically mapped user sized arrays onto the underlying hardware.
Legacy Family Tree automatically map where your ancestors lived.
She followed him down one corridor, then another, mapping automatically.
Synonyms to the supplementary concepts will automatically map when tagged with [nm].
Searching for a journal will automatically map to the official journal title and the title associated with an alternative title, if one exists.
These will automatically map to the journal abbreviation that is used to search journals in PubMed and in all fields.