The photographer simply pushed a button on the lens for it to focus automatically.
Chris's eyes focused automatically on the woman, a second before Notley spoke and gestured at her.
But it is still hard to beat the experienced eye, which can automatically focus its attention on the most significant features of a spectrum.
But hold on, you may say, I've got a camera that focuses automatically.
This kind of attention automatically focused on such books explains the power they generate and the constraints that are imposed upon them.
Its lens doesn't focus automatically, since it is set to render everything from three feet to infinity fairly sharply.
Sales are still rising for the small 35-millimeter "point and shoot" cameras that focus automatically.
When a character is threatened with something bad, the audience automatically focuses its attention on him.
The trouble is, nobody's lens is going to focus automatically unless it was designed that way.
Autofocus cameras focus automatically when the shutter release is pressed.