Your credit card or personal account will be billed automatically per online minute.
So, from now on, every copy is automatically billed to a file.
At the end of a ride, the complete fare (which includes a tip) is automatically billed to the customer's credit card.
What's more, the computer also tallies up the bill - usually $4 to $5 per showing -using the same method by which long-distance calls are automatically billed.
The customer selects a carrier by using a three-digit prefix, and is billed automatically at the end of the month, without having to sign up for any carrier.
The call is billed automatically to the customer's account.
In reality, the customer must specifically cancel the trial prior to the 30-day mark, otherwise the credit card would be automatically billed.
The food went onto the table while her account was automatically billed.
The balance on the account will be automatically billed to the credit card provided up to 7 days prior to the due date.
It detects usage of the bridge, allowing toll charges to be automatically billed to the driver's account, streamlining the tolling process.