But it does not follow that this honor automatically belongs to the families of the lost heroes, as justly proud as they may be.
At the School there is a PTFA to which all parents automatically belong.
If artifacts found on private property didn't automatically belong to the government, the landowners would presumably have an incentive to keep out looters.
With the exception of the tribunes of the soldiers, they all belonged automatically to the Senate in Caesar's day.
The Court in that case rejected the Government's view that title to property acquired with the proceeds of crime automatically belongs to the Government.
It was officially a subsidiary of the German museum administration, so its finds automatically belonged to the Prussian state.
The law stipulated that all lands not privately owned and registered would automatically belong to the state.
In April 2008, she got to belong to Platica Inc. automatically through independence of the firm.
The whole apparat automatically belongs.
"The vanguard role of the Communists does not automatically belong to them forever," the editorial said.