The division automatically assesses the appropriate number of points against the motorist's license.
Some Massive open online courses, such as those run by Udacity automatically assess user-written computer code for correctness.
As a result of today's decision, the Commerce Department will automatically assess anti-dumping duties of 58.71 percent on imports of the processors.
This tool automatically assesses the formal reliability of Wikipedia articles in English and German.
The barman leaned forward, trying to look threatening; Slant automatically assessed his actual danger-virtually none-but made an effort to look appropriately intimidated.
As he guided Orchid through the milling crowds, he automatically assessed the attire of those around them.
Kirk kept silent, automatically assessing what he had learned and what he had not.
Now he automatically assessed the possibilities for their last few minutes, to see if there would be any other unlikely miracles in this place.
In true Klingon fashion, Worf automatically assessed the stranger's potential as an adversary.
Other sources are the user's interests and disinterests, psychological personality characteristics like emotions, self-confidence, motivation, or beliefs, which are difficult to assess automatically.