We have made good progress, especially with regards to the debt brake for all states that will be part of this new treaty and more automatic sanctions.
Failure to meet the often-deferred deadline supposedly brings automatic economic sanctions by the Federal Government.
Under these proposals there would be automatic sanctions for any country whose deficit exceeded 3% of GDP.
But the House bill faced immediate and immovable opposition in the Senate because of Republican resistance to automatic economic sanctions.
But it was not nearly enough to satisfy influential members of Congress who want to make sanctions mandatory and automatic in certain situations.
But the House bill never stood a chance in the Senate, because of solid Republican opposition to automatic economic sanctions.
Cyprus anxious to avoid "endless discussions" on automatic sanctions.
We need to strengthen the Stability Pact with as many automatic sanctions as possible.
Parliament is mistaken in calling for automatic, more severe sanctions.
Unlike punishment for academic cheating or drug use, sexual assault does not carry an automatic sanction.