The Laramie has an automatic safety on the hammer consisting of a sliding bar.
Intentional grounding where the spot of enforcement is in the end zone will no longer result in an automatic safety.
The only scores for Cincinnati (2-3) came on blocked punts, the first an automatic safety and the second a fumble recovery in the end zone.
This type of automatic safety is still prevalent in modern boxlock actions.
However, if the offense commits a foul in its own end zone, the defense scores an automatic safety if the penalty is accepted.
The TRG has an automatic safety located in the trigger system.
He could feel the rise and fall of vibrations through the deck as they reached maximum and the automatic safeties cut them back.
In the second quarter, Ernest Dye was called for offensive holding in his end zone, an automatic safety.
Even the automatic safeties that would have prevented what just happened must be off-line or somehow compromised.