In addition to the automatic revocation upon the donor's recovery, the donor may revoke expressly, or by recovering dominion over the subject matter.
Section 26 requires the automatic revocation of any medical license where the provider has committed three or more incidents of medical malpractice.
Failure to pass any of these checks at any stage, means an automatic and immediate revocation of the issued license.
The automatic revocation will not occur where any of the following circumstances apply.
In the N.F.L., if you declare bankruptcy, it's an automatic revocation of your license.
"Therefore the provisions of the law regarding automatic revocation of wills in whole or in part has no application here."
In the United States federal criminal system, refusing to take a drug test triggers an automatic revocation of probation or supervised release.
Current User Fees - Exempt Organizations Including reduced fee for reinstating tax-exempt status after automatic revocation.
At the insistence of the banking and financial services industries, the legislation is substantially watered down from earlier proposals that made such revocation virtually automatic.
A conviction on a felony charge would mean the automatic revocation of his license, depriving him of his livelihood.