He saw her groping for her bag, as if she were trying to remember the automatic motions necessary to get up.
She was moving about the business of cooking with automatic motions like a sleepwalker.
With the automatic motions of habit, Cary set up the wick-stove and made coffee.
The Leader settled more comfortably into the seat with an automatic motion, his mind far from body comforts.
Ram lowers his head like a bull and runs around in an automatic forward motion.
Janet was sitting on the couch, staring at the ceiling and wringing her hands with an automatic motion.
He began to eat with a steady, automatic motion.
Jackson hung up the car phone and with an automatic motion felt for the knife hidden in his jacket.
Resigned, automatic motion, like living robots under the control of that major and his troops.
Her right spetsdod came up, an automatic motion, to point at the bush.