As a Subscriber with automatic membership to Extra, you do not need to do anything further.
The position did not entail automatic membership of the cabinet, but Wood was made a cabinet member in 1933.
The students also have automatic membership to the Jenkins Law Library.
For example, Mr. Petrini is not willing to grant automatic membership to restaurants with slow service.
A contention in this issue was whether legal advice had been sought by the Scottish Government before making the claim regarding automatic membership.
An automatic membership in the Senate without the right to stand for election as a magistrate-no political career for the flamen Dialis!
The group had a hard time attracting retirees because workers did not get automatic membership when they retired.
Election to a magisterial office resulted in automatic membership in the Senate (for life, unless impeached).
A year's delay would probably have meant that both sides would no longer make the effort and it would lead to automatic membership of some sort.
All current students of the University have automatic membership.