There just isn't a lot of time to react and respond once the missile is detected, making automatic detection and launching an important feature.
Some systems contain automatic detection and compensation of common refraction issues such as accommodation and "over-minusing".
They also used specially developed computer programs for the automatic detection of any telltale distortion of the light caused by gravitational lensing.
After passing through the sample, a second polarizer, known as the analyzer, rotates either via manual rotation or automatic detection of the angle.
"New approach for automatic detection of buildings in airborne laser scanner data using first echo only".
An ePedigree is another important system for the automatic detection of counterfeit drugs.
Completely automatic commercial detection and optional skipping.
Autodetection is an automatic detection of a thing or situation.
Jidoka involves the automatic detection of errors or defects during production.
The program does several things to avoid automatic detection, Mr. Thompson said.