Your taxes will be lower, your company may kick in more, and automatic deductions make it easy.
You can make saving easy by setting up monthly automatic deductions from your bank account into a 529.
We will make automatic deduction of union membership dues without written authorisation unlawful.
To make "contributions" convenient, civil servants are finding automatic deductions from their paychecks.
The rule is that after the third caution the referee must issue a warning which brings about an automatic 2-point deduction.
Portsmouth went into administration for the second time in two years and suffered an automatic 10-point deduction.
The automatic deductions generate income for the union that covers much of its budget.
Later on in the 2011/12 season, Portsmouth would go into administration for the second time in two years, bringing them an automatic 10-point deduction.
Most banks also allow customers to schedule recurring, automatic deductions from their accounts.
But the automatic deduction could certainly have affected the pecking order, although not Cohen's first-place finish.