Cost reductions were achieved primarily by re-evaluating construction techniques, using a single circuit board and surface-mount components, the latter allowing automated production.
The automated production lines.
While the automated production can be performed by using AXCP tools.
These templates are then posted online for later customization by end-users and automated production by a print house or commercial printer.
The software process ends with an automated production of a Business Case, a report stating the cost, benefits and the ROI measures for the solution.
A superabundance of goods and services are made possible by automated production that allow for goods to be distributed based on need rather than merit.
The Sankey Brothers were pioneers in the automated production of brick, using local shale instead of clay as the basis of the brick.
Convening production lines to largely automated production of flat panel sets would be costly in the short term.
This process is labor-intensive, subject to error and not suitable for automated production.
The factory demonstrated tortilla production on a miniaturized, low-speed automated production line, provided samples of tortillas, and demonstrated recipes to park guests.