That was why he was chosen; the orchestra had grown tired of Karajan's limited repertory and autocratic ways.
It can back reformers of all stripes so long as they do not return Russia to its old autocratic ways.
But with his autocratic ways also gone, the family, especially the daughters, began to have more discussions about the company and to feel more involved.
His subordinate position was, of course, against the assumption, but it had struck me once or twice that, for all his autocratic ways.
Some memories of these royal families, though, are not so dim that people have forgotten their autocratic ways.
They said the party leadership had opened procedures to suspend his membership because of his increasingly autocratic and domineering way.
But he also left little doubt about his intention to run things in an autocratic way.
The resistance has become a powerful symbol for Japanese who resent what they consider to be their national Government's autocratic ways.
But while the party is gone, many of its members remain in power, having shed neither their old mentality nor their autocratic ways.
Others were irritated by 'his autocratic ways', exemplified by Zappa's never staying at the same hotel as the band members.