All that is known about Ibn Battuta's life comes from the autobiographical information included in the account of his travels.
It's mostly literary - discussions of his writing of the novel and some autobiographical information intended for a book jacket.
The first four chapters focus on autobiographical information, contextualizing each anecdote in the relevant current events of its time.
Sometimes Erickson relies on autobiographical information filtered through an unconventional imagination.
No other information, besides incidental autobiographical information is known.
Photos and autobiographical information about Fedorova also appear in the book.
Can include autobiographical and non-personal information, such as historical facts, fairytales, or other aspects of semantic memory.
Mostly devoted to bodybuilding advice, the book also includes some autobiographical information, memoirs, and opinions.
These contain a certain amount of autobiographical information, which has been corroborated through other sources.
The book combines lyrics, their explanations, anecdotes, reflections, and autobiographical information.