The autobiographical impulse is often the last rich vein of a thwarted or fading literary talent.
He also does a dexterous job of tracing the autobiographical impulses in Poe's fiction.
Instead they left us with a classic portrait of the artist as a young man while reminding us just how strong the autobiographical impulse was in Mr. Styron's fiction.
The autobiographical impulse in Eliot's work, however elaborately disguised, is now clearer than ever.
The exhibition will focus on themes of unexpected juxtapositions in urban life and on the autobiographical impulse running through Kertesz's oeuvre.
Wielding a blinding libido and a self-hugging autobiographical impulse, Gary Schmidgall has re-created Walt Whitman in his own image.
An additional theme that flows through all Citron's work is an examination of the autobiographical impulse, particularly as it is expressed through home movies, snapshots, and memoir.
The more subtle autobiographical impulses in Picasso's work are deciphered, too.
Throughout this book, Mr. Sinclair doggedly traces the autobiographical impulse in Bacon's work.
For Americans, the autobiographical impulse is usually psychological; its task, typically, is the construction of an inner self.