This is a reference to comedian Sam Kinison, who died in an auto collision two weeks earlier.
Nevertheless, auto collisions are the leading cause of injury-related deaths, an estimated total of 1.2 million in 2004, or 25% of the total from all causes.
Although auto collisions are rare in terms of the number of vehicles on the road and the distance they travel, addressing the contributing factors can reduce their likelihood.
If involved in an auto collision, you might get sued.
About 10 percent of the wolves die each year from various causes, including starvation, predation by mountain lions, auto collisions, avalanches, old age and gunshots.
There are over 3,500 deer - auto collisions per year in Saskatchewan.
The number of annual premature deaths is considerably higher than the fatalities related to auto collisions in the same area, which average fewer than 2,000 per year.
Deer and auto collisions as well as coyote and human interaction may be a problem.
This is one of the most common types of non-traffic auto collision in which road workers and children 15 and younger are killed.
The whole concept of "no fault" relative to auto collisions is flawed in the initial terminology.