This is not, in other words, the "This is not your father's Oldsmobile" campaign from the 1980s by the now-defunct auto brand.
Launched by GM's India operations, Chevrolet is among the more recent auto brands.
In recent months the makers of six auto brands decided to re-evaluate the relationships with the agencies that worked for them.
At this point Mitsubishi was the fastest growing auto brand in the United States.
Since Pakistan's automotive sector has experienced a huge growth rate, many local and foreign auto brands have installed their assembly plants in the country.
A local Philippine auto brand, Dragon, has taken the designs of the diesel Tamaraw and marketed it.
Audi estimates that 12 percent to 15 percent of its owners defected to other auto brands because it had no tall, lumpy S.U.V.'s to offer.
Camaro, too, is slated for a 2015-model redesign, thus setting up another grudge match in the century-long battle between the two traditional top sellers among domestic auto brands.
For example, from February 1991 to March 1993, the relationships of 14 auto brands and their agencies were re-examined, and only one incumbent agency survived a review.
Both G.M. and the Ford Motor Company announced they would add new names to their auto brands.