Reducing those margins, he hypothesizes, could mean that an autistic brain has too much positive feedback, acting like a noisy amplifier.
But recent studies that focus on developing autistic brains earlier in life have revealed intriguing differences from normally developing children.
The MSO is severely disrupted in the autistic brain.
Scientists hope to learn the difference between the way autistic and non-autisitc brains develop as a result.
The researchers hope the study will allow them to compare what happens in autistic and non-autistic brains.
But the findings are inconclusive, and differences in autistic brains have been found in structure, including the temporal lobes and the cerebellum.
The findings suggest that autistic brains may be wired differently from birth, leading to delays in language and other hallmarks of the disorder.
Baron-Cohen has also conducted brain imaging work examining the autistic brain.
These studies highlighted differences between the typical and autistic brain in the orbitofrontal cortex (Brit.
Two major categories of cognitive theories have been proposed about the links between autistic brains and behavior.