No additional food aid has been authorized since the coup, she said.
No additional hospital beds have been authorized since the 1960's, so more than 90 percent of the beds are always occupied.
"Fines have never been our first line of defense," he said, though the law has authorized them since 1986.
Eight new missions have been authorized since 1988, compared with 13 in the 33 preceding years.
Congress has not authorized a submarine since 1991, and the Seawolf serves as a bridge to the new attack submarine.
Rotigotine has been authorized as a treatment for restless legs syndrome since August 2008.
This quality seal has been authorized since the enactment of the enabling regulation in 1886.
No President had authorized the use of a nuclear weapon since 1945.
The state has authorized a limited form of domestic partnerships since 2002 and the formation of civil unions since July 1, 2011.
This source claimed that the 204th held the record for recruiting among units authorized in Toronto since 1916.