The authorities vowed a renewed effort to bring people back to work, by political persuasion if possible.
After 1973 the authorities vowed to put an end to this situation, and political purges in the education system became widespread.
Brazil emerged as the place where monetary authorities vowed to stanch the contagion.
The authorities have vowed to capture and prosecute the remaining white extremists.
The authorities vowed to "crush any new uprising".
Belarusian authorities initially vowed to crush unrest in the event of large-scale protests following the election.
When confronted with evidence of the physical abuse of prisoners, the authority has vowed to investigate and punish those responsible.
The lifting of the emergency laws notwithstanding, authorities vowed to "crush any new uprising".
The authority has vowed to spend no money on the project.
Greek authorities have vowed to come down hard on those found accountable.