The authorities suspended the technician in charge of the machines, who is a Republican, pending an investigation.
At first, the authorities suspended Ramirez, but eventually they reinstated him.
Currently the firm is in liquidation, however, the authorities suspended the liquidation process.
On January 2013 local authorities suspended the service of line A in order to finally replace the aging cars.
At first, authorities suspended all canyoning, also known as canyoneering in the United States.
In July 2005, Sudanese authorities suspended their censorship of the press.
The new authority would also suspend vacations for trainees attending Army schools.
The following day, the authorities suspended trading in four listed companies that had shown abnormal price movements.
Their trip was cut short and they returned home after 2 days after local authorities suspended their visit.
When urban authorities suspended popular assemblies, spontaneous informal mass meetings took place outside the city.