They paint a picture of confusion as civilian and military authorities struggled to grasp and respond to what was happening.
But the British authorities are struggling with limited success to convince the country's 1.6 Muslims that their shoot-to-kill strategy was not aimed at them.
This unexpected presence worried American and Mexican authorities who struggled for the monopoly of the region.
But he has not resigned as president and Kyrgyzstan's new authorities are struggling to establish the legal foundation of their rule.
The start of the race was delayed for half an hour as the authorities struggled to clear spectators from the course.
Now authorities are struggling to stop a bitter enmity spiralling out of control.
With migrant boats landing regularly, authorities here and across the Caribbean are struggling to contain them.
The spending review means local authorities will struggle to meet the costs of caring for the vulnerable and elderly.
Local authorities are struggling to maintain provision at a time when they should be expanding efforts to meet the needs of this sector of the population.
American and Iraqi authorities are now struggling to get out of the grocery-delivery business without letting anyone go hungry.