In southern California in the 1980s, authorities consciously reduced the number of public toilets to make certain areas less attractive to "undesirables."
In early 1989, after critical reports about the high fees appeared in local newspapers, the authority reduced the firm's fee to $15,000.
The authority also has frozen merit increases for managers this year and reduced their health benefits.
In early 1989, the authority reduced the advisory firm's fee to just $15,000, an arrangement that lasted until February 1991.
If this results in high interest rates, local authorities like other corporate bodies may reduce their capital spending, as the costs of borrowing rise.
Passive fiscal policy is one in which the authority raises or reduces taxes to balance the budget intertemporally.
The authority would take back the rest of the site and reduce the developer's rent, which rises to $140 million a year in 2006.
If monetarism is adopted as the basis for policy, the authorities must reduce the endogenous element to a minimum.
In 1962 the authorities reduced the number of monks from 146 to 36.
The convening authority reduced the confinement to six years, but otherwise approved the findings and sentence".