According to Hernandez's agent, Joe Cubas, authorities in Cuba jailed one of the pitcher's brothers for a few days.
The authorities jailed al-Aqqad, and repeatedly interrogated him about his "insults" to Islam.
The Macedonian authorities jailed eight Albanians last December for up to 11 years for counterrevolution.
The authorities arrested Aghajari, charged him with blasphemy, and jailed him.
"Rather than listening to legitimate demands and peaceful criticism, Omani authorities are jailing people who speak out."
But the authority has reportedly jailed dozens of these people, and it has announced plans to try more than a dozen in a newly formed military court.
The report, prepared by Americas Watch, a private New York-based group, said Panamanian authorities have jailed political prisoners with violent criminals in substandard conditions.
The authorities in the region jailed two members of Kmara, a student group that had pushed for Mr. Shevardnadze's removal.
Mr. Lai probably knew at that time that the Chinese authorities had jailed eight relatives.
The Spanish authorities arrested and jailed him last year, but after his extradition to Mexico, lawyers quickly obtained his release, too.