Two days later, the German authorities installed Nedić and his government in power.
Because the Mexicans cannot hear, the authorities have installed special touch-sensitive lights that flash inside the rooms whenever someone knocks on the door.
What the captain had no way of knowing was that the British authorities had recently installed radiation detectors in his usual ports.
The military authorities also installed their own equipment, including two radiotelephone prototypes constructed to withstand high altitude.
He said that the authority had installed speed bumps to slow down motorists.
Local authorities had installed a set of lights but before they became operational the lights were removed.
Along several border stretches, the authorities also installed steel fences, searchlights, motion detectors and video cameras.
The authority has installed more than 1,100 cameras in railroad and subway stations since 9/11.
The local authorities installed themselves in remains of the amphitheatre.
If approved, the legislation would allow the authorities to install cameras at busy intersections throughout Suffolk.