By 2000, local authorities were handling two-thirds of the 911 cellphone calls from the state's residents.
The ways in which the authority of the day handled the famine left the people disillusioned.
The warrior could simply hand over the data to the Farm's contact and let the Mexican authorities handle it.
In spite of a knife through her hand and everything he had told her, she still believed it was something the authorities could handle.
"Now, see here, Fara, let the constituted authorities handle this matter."
"And if the Syrian government or authorities do not handle the issue well, it can in fact lead to a crisis."
The authority handles the entire electronics recycling program for Washington State.
It was agreed that the local authorities could handle individuals who would prefer a long prison term to military service.
If the authorities don't handle strikes, especially ones leading to violence and brutality, we will lose our foreign buyers.
"I'm satisfied with the way the local authorities have handled this."