In Beijing, authorities halted renovation projects similar to the one being done on the apartment in Shanghai shortly after the blaze.
But last week the authorities abruptly halted its release and distribution without offering an explanation.
The Israeli authorities have halted the digging, but now they face a perennial quandary in the duel between the ancient and modern.
On Sunday, Jan. 7, 2007, authorities halted demolition of Johnie's Broiler after much destruction had already been done.
The postal authorities have halted service to 33 towns where the rebels operate.
In addition, the Israeli authorities have halted fuel supplies to the West Bank and restricted travel between the two occupied territories.
In early February, as contract prices reached a peak, Dutch authorities stepped in and halted the trading of these contracts.
He said the authorities had halted what he called the "monkey business."
However, we need to do more, in cooperation with the Union's partners, to urge the Syrian authorities to halt the repression.
The authority temporarily halted the project and kept one of the tunnel's two tubes closed until 9:45 A.M., creating traffic jams.