An intense shootout begins as the authorities enter the house.
When authorities entered the flat they saw blood covering the walls.
The authorities entered the 47-acre detention center this afternoon for the first time since the siege began.
They set up patrols at night to ensure that authorities could not enter into camp during the night and take him away.
The new authority entered into negotiations with the City of Toronto.
Others, however, had restricted entrances to which only the religious and civil authorities could enter.
In 1986, the authority and the trust entered into an agreement, which was intended to formalise their existing arrangements.
He was given a written authority to enter the single line section, referred to as the ticket.
The authority has never entered into a lease or other agreement with the Milsteins, although there were some discussions in 2002.
The authorities first entered the case more than a year ago when the girl went to the school nurse.