The Russian authorities denounced the statement, dismissing it as "total nonsense" and the assertions of a "child murderer."
As a result of the conference, leading authorities of Islamic law denounced genital mutilation.
Chinese authorities regularly denounce student protests, saying they threaten to upset political stability.
Neighbors and the authorities denounced the proliferation of handguns that make it so easy for minor quarrels to turn fatal.
Serbian authorities denounced the KLA as a terrorist organization and increased the number of security forces in the region.
In addition, Chinese authorities in 1999 denounced the Falun Gong spiritual practice as a heretical teaching, and began a campaign to eliminate it.
Alarmed at this resurgence of discredited political activity, the provincial authorities denounced the wall posters and the party secretary in a province-wide radio commentary.
The authorities also seized a number of books and pamphlets published by the school, which were deemed to contain anarchist doctrine and denounced the king.
It was the third outburst in a week from soccer fans, and the authorities were quick to arrest a few people and denounce the behavior.
While there was no clear law against it, the authorities periodically denounced such arbitrage with the ugliest of words in the official vocabulary: speculation.