The authorities in Atlanta have also complied with inmates' requests to speak to the press, but officials here have not.
Her job: to help the authority, which is responsible for operating 3,600 buses and 6,000 subway cars, to comply with the Federal law.
However, local authorities did not comply and even provided Jewish families with forged documents.
Thus, the legal position today is that all public authorities, whether judges or administrative officers, must comply with the rules of natural justice.
And so the court ruled that the authority had complied with the letter of that law.
The team has charged that the authority has not complied with an audit of the claims.
In the past, Nicaraguan authorities have not consistently complied with this obligation.
There was no indication that the Bosnian authorities would comply.
The competent public authority must comply with the procedure for ascertaining and restoring the damage.
These are the obligations with which the Austrian authorities did not comply.