With those two bidders out, the authority awarded Silverite the contract.
The German and Belgian authorities awarded him high civilian honors.
For his services in the Congo, the Belgian authorities awarded Løken a total of 14 decorations.
At the same time, the authority also awarded licenses for two other small stations, in nearby Bassetlaw and Mansfield.
But this year the authorities changed the rules and awarded bonuses to only 48 new applicants, less than 10 percent of the 715 new applicants.
The Conservative authority also awarded the contract for vehicle maintenance to a company which, because of its failure to perform, was already in litigation with our neighbouring council.
The authority then withdrew its original objection and awarded the contract.
The authorities awarded him their highest accolade, Standard of Labour First Class.
Taiwanese authorities awarded him the medal "The Good Man".
Despite this finding in late 1994, the authority awarded the company the $97 million contract last year.