They requested the Spanish authorities appoint a new viceroy.
The authority may also appoint special constables to exercise it's responsible and provide peace keeping functioning with the valley.
Congress may regulate or call forth the state militias, but the states retain the authority to appoint officers and train personnel.
Third, all but the smallest local authorities should appoint a management board of between five and nine members.
Subsequently the authorities appointed commissions to examine the existence of witchcraft in every part of the country.
In response to these problems, some municipal authorities appointed special cleaning plans and attempted to charge participants a fine to offset the costs.
The authorities in London appointed a Governor to act as the crown representative (this is still the system today).
Any enforcing authority may appoint inspectors with a written document stating their powers.
The governors head the authority and each appoints 6 of the 12 commissioners.
These authorities appoint officials to implement democratic decisions.