For this reason, they often focus on the baptisms in Acts, citing many authoritative theological works.
In this case, the term "all scripture" is used to mean all "authoritative works" of the Bible.
He has authoritative works such as Theology in Africa and others on Religious exclusivism.
Most steal from obvious sources (from their colleagues or authoritative works).
Other known models whose existence and attributes cannot be independently verified via pre-published, authoritative works are no longer included here.
For an illuminating account of the Buddha's path two authoritative works can be recommended.
The books have been selected by academic librarians as credible, authoritative works in their respective areas.
His authoritative works on the wild water buffalo have been published recently as the first monograph on this endangered species.
Many authoritative works, from other study groups, also use the Welsh form.
He created several horse charts that are considered authoritative works and have been used by the Smithsonian Institution.