They point to the cornucopia of intelligence that was flowing through federal bureaucracies without benefit of an authoritative analysis to pinpoint the looming threat.
The first fair and authoritative analysis came from La Locomotion Automobile, which identified the causes of the disaster.
The panel concluded that the intelligence estimate, intended to be the government's most authoritative analysis of the Iraqi threat, was "dead wrong."
Canada Watch (practical and authoritative analysis of key national and international issues).
The Office for Budget Responsibility was created in 2010 to provide independent and authoritative analysis of the UK's public finances.
I've asked you here for an authoritative analysis of this robot.
The putsch this week is still too veiled to permit authoritative analyses.
And it's that type of authoritative analysis that's crucial right now.
It is intended to provide an authoritative Roman Catholic analysis of current global politics and directs church views on many social issues.
The top analyst on regular display was Digger Phelps, who consistently offered disciplined and authoritative analysis in quick bites.