EU diplomats agree that the country's authoritarian president, Alexander Lukashenko, has done little to merit involvement in the policy at this stage.
Far more dangerous is the crushing response of Islam Karimov, Uzbekistan's authoritarian president.
The group chose Alexander Milinkevich as their candidate in an attempt to defeat the incumbent Alexander Lukashenko, the authoritarian president since 1994.
Power lies firmly in the hands of the authoritarian president since 1982, Paul Biya, and his Cameroon People's Democratic Movement party.
The group intention is to choose a single candidate to defeat the incumbent Alexander Lukashenko, the authoritarian president since 1994.
The splintered political opposition said it would unite to support a single candidate against the nation's authoritarian president, Aleksandr Lukashenko, in the September election.
Do we have an authoritarian president in foreign but a democratic president in domestic policy?
With less autonomy, the Bashkir opposition hopes to undermine the authoritarian president, Murtaz Rakhimov, who they say violates human rights and economic liberties.
The prior regimes, headed in succession by two authoritarian presidents, administered the country's economic development during the bipolar and post-Cold War world.
It replaces a constitution imposed without debate in 1967 by the authoritarian former president, Milton Obote.