Despite the authoritarian nature of the Syrian leadership, gradual change is preferable to abrupt change.
Due to the authoritarian nature of Soviet rule where most new initiatives were met as conspiracies against the state, the parliament was virtually ineffective.
Not that the authoritarian nature of the regime is downplayed.
It appeared that one of the main sources of the bishops' opposition was the authoritarian nature of the legislation.
However, he became disenchanted with the authoritarian nature of the organization.
Instead he has attempted to show that Egypt's political culture is characterized by public apathy caused by the authoritarian nature of the state.
PRI leaders make no bones about the authoritarian nature and genius of their party.
Those who used to emphasize traditional Chinese political culture to underscore the inexorably authoritarian and hierarchical nature of the present social system seem silent now.
They readily conceded that the authoritarian nature of the old rulers was reflected in the schools.
They want the appearance of a democracy that overshadows the authoritarian nature of the regime.