You must also ensure that it is serviced by authorised personnel and that it is not leaking fluorinated gases or ozone-depleting substances.
The APM system is located air side and is thus only available to passengers and other authorised personnel.
Hot air balloons must be registered aircraft with the CASA and are subject to regular airworthiness checks by authorised personnel.
The Lyttelton Port of Christchurch now owns the land behind the station building for which access is restricted to authorised personnel.
Access to the tower is highly restricted to authorised personnel only and climbing the tower is strictly prohibited.
The laser barrier could be deactivated at one section by workers and other authorised personnel using CommLocks, granting them access.
This area strictly qfflimits, except to authorised military personnel.
The key holding licence is a letter which must be kept and (if required) produced for inspection by authorised personnel.
If this amendment were adopted, owners of consignments would, in the future too, be prevented from loading vessels using their own skilled and authorised personnel and their own resources.
It is not just while an event is on that security operations will be running: during the construction of venues, access to sites for authorised personnel would be controlled by a biometric hand-recognition system.