For deconstruction, the authorial intent is again irrelevant and unknowable.
This cultural context often includes authorial intent, though it is not limited to it.
Neomodernists stand against the discrediting of the concept of authorial intent in postmodern hermeneutics.
The name Intentism is a response to the debate around authorial intent.
Now that, from the preface, seems to me a pretty clear statement of authorial intent, and the impression's reinforced as Kurt continues:
In post-structuralism, there are a variety of approaches to authorial intent.
However, Marxist-derived theorists have seen authorial intent in a much more nuanced way.
Reader Response critics view the authorial intent variously.
He instead asserts authorial intent, even considering the issue of whether authors are personally responsible for unintended readings of their texts.
Whether or not these parallels can be drawn so easily is a question regarding Psychoanalytic literary criticism and authorial intent.